Are You Recycling Your E-Waste in an Efficient Manner? | TechWaste Recycling

Electronic waste is a fairly new global issue, but it is one that is quickly growing out of control in today’s tech-driven world. Though the numbers are inconsistent, it is estimated that between 20 and 50 million metric tons of e-waste are disposed of each year. Those numbers are only expected to grow as technology becomes more advanced and as today’s latest gadgets and devices become obsolete. Though, as a business, it’s imperative you operate with only the best and most efficient technology available, you also have a duty to reduce your carbon footprint. You can do so with the following e-waste recycling tips.

Use the Cloud

You put a significant amount of pressure on your hard drive every day you work on your computer or other device. Though technology is meant to be used, the more software you upload and the more data you save, the less efficient your device becomes. You can lessen the demands on your devices by using the Cloud for storage. Doing so will not only extend the life of your equipment but also, it will make it easier for you to access your information from anywhere with an internet connection.

Contact the Manufacturer

When it is time to say goodbye to an electronic device, you may be tempted to toss it in the dumpster. Before you do this, reach out to the manufacturer to see if they have any use for it. Chances are they can recycle the parts to either make new ones or sell them as replacement parts for individuals who are still using the old equipment.

Donate Devices You No Longer Use

Just because your company doesn’t have use for a device or piece of equipment doesn’t mean someone or some other entity doesn’t. Put out your feelers to see if there’s a startup that needs basic equipment to maintain operations. You would be surprised by just how many people can get used to your old but still working equipment.

Powerful Partnerships That Are Making a Global Difference

Contact an Electronic Recycling Company

With the proliferation of e-waste, an entire global industry has developed to handle and deal with old electronic products. Companies like TechWaste Recycling not only properly and safely recycle almost any type of e-waste your company may have, but they typically can also ensure data destruction, certificates of recycling, and auditable documentation of your devices. TechWaste Recycling handles major businesses recycling programs from across the country providing free pickups for large quantities, but if you have just a few items there is surely a recycling center near your office.

Destroy Your Data

This last tip is more for your safety than the environment’s. Before you give away an old laptop or send an old monitor to the manufacturer, make sure it’s wiped off all data. A professional tech waste company such as TechWaste Recycling can help you destroy your data in a secure and efficient manner. If you have secure data you need to wipe from a hard drive, it can do that for you as well.

If you have electronic waste, be responsible for how you choose to destroy it. Treat your devices kindly by utilizing the Cloud, contact the manufacturer, and donate old but still useable devices. The planet will thank you.

TechWaste Recycling directly services all of Southern California and provides pickup services to its facilities from nationwide locations. Visit TechWaste Recycling’s website at to schedule a pickup that works for your convenience and schedule.

Learn more about TechWaste’s electronic recycling process here: Secure E-Waste Recycling Services

Contact Info:
Richard Steffens
1940 E. Occidental street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: 866-637-8469