3 Simple Yet Essential Reasons to Use a Certified Electronics Recycling Service | TechWaste Recycling

By now, most businesses have heard about the many benefits of recycling e-waste, including information security, reducing waste and minimizing the impact to the environment (among many others). A growing body of consumers are even starting to demand that the companies they patronize acknowledge their responsibility to be a good steward of Mother Nature.

However, some electronics recyclers operate without certification – a seriously bad deal for everyone (except the shady operator). Not only have they been accused of dumping toxic waste directly into the local environment, there’s numerous examples of dishonest recyclers being convicted of fraud and even stealing private information from items they were supposed to wipe. Here’s 3 reasons you should always use an established and certified electronics recycling service.

Certified Electronic Recyclers Prevent Data Loss and Identity Theft

A common complaint against uncertified e-waste recyclers is that they don’t take required steps to ensure full data destruction. This is extremely dangerous; the theft of a single customer’s information can leave your business liable, while some companies have been driven to bankruptcy due to significant data theft. Particularly nefarious recyclers have been caught stealing data themselves, while others have incompletely deleted info from storage devices, which can leave the data easily available for anyone with high-school-level information technology skills.

Proper data destruction minimizes these risks; using a certified electronic waste recycler is strong evidence that your company has done everything possible to protect your business, employees and customers. This not only builds public confidence in your brand, it can also reduce your insurance costs and save you a fortune in legal fees.

Some Companies and Government Agencies Require Certification

As consumers and voters push for better environmental policy, some large companies, NGOs and government agencies are requiring that their contractors responsibly recycle e-waste. In all cases, full certification demonstrates that you take reducing waste and securing data seriously and are compliant with all regulations mandating proper e-waste disposal.

Many Customers Now Expect Businesses to Care About the Environment

In the last decade, there’s been a sharp shift in consumer expectations for pro-environment corporate policies. Certification by responsible third parties such as the Environmental Protection Agency is clear and easy-to-understand proof that you are committed to a sustainable future. Three important certificates are

  • Responsible Recycling, (R2) a detailed investigation into 50 areas of operation for electronic waste recyclers;
  • ISO 14000, which provides standards for sustainable environmental management systems; and
  • OHSAS 18001,  standards that help to protect supply chain employees, and others, who are exposed to e-waste.

Make sure any e-waste recycler you use has at least these three certifications. TechWaste’s combined certifications guarantees that your e-waste will be guarded throughout the downstream chain so that everyone you have business relations with will be happy. It’s also a major plus for building brand identity and may contribute to positive (and free) popular media exposure.

TechWaste Recycling directly services all of Southern California and provides pickup services to its facilities from nationwide locations. Visit TechWaste Recycling’s website at www.techwasterecycling.com to schedule a pickup that works for your convenience and schedule.

Learn more about TechWaste’s certifications here: E-Waste Recycling Certifications

Contact Info:
Richard Steffens
1940 E. Occidental street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: 866-637-8469