It is of the utmost importance to dispose of old cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions properly because they contain toxic substances. We’ll guide you on how you can safely do that.

Currently, at least two televisions are present in the average American household. The advent of the modern flat-panel television has led to the demise of the old cathode ray tube televisions, which have since found a permanent home in basements and attics.

These CRT televisions, which are still common in homes, present a unique challenge to recyclers of electronic devices everywhere, as they are filled with hazardous substances.

The average CRT contains approximately 6 pounds of lead in addition to numerous other toxic substances. Evidently, improper disposal of tube televisions has significant environmental consequences.

How Should You Dispose of and Recycle Your CRT Television?


  • Recycle your CRT television through a reputable vendor.
  • Look for the nearest electronics recycling and disposal facility in your area.


  • Don’t abandon your CRT television on the curb. Placing it on the curb will expose it to heat, cold, and precipitation which can worsen its condition.
  • Don’t throw away a CRT television, as this is illegal and harmful to the environment.

How Do You Discard a CRT Television?

You can dispose of a CRT television by bringing it to a registered and authorized recycling and disposal center that is authorized to recycle CRT televisions.

However, there are other options to consider, especially if the television is still operational.

The Growing Threat of E-Waste

4 tips for disposing of tube televisions

1. Donate. Even though the majority of households may not have much use for one of these old televisions, there are still numerous locations that would gladly accept them. Contact local schools, homeless support centers, non-profit organizations, and other charitable organizations if the item is still functional. Call or email them with a picture of the item before dropping it off.

2. Return to the manufacturer. Some television manufacturers will accept a used television for proper disposal. Unfortunately, not all companies offer product return services, which means you’ll have to contact them first.

3. Sell or offer it for free. You may be delighted to discover that you can recycle it for cash as long as your television is not too old or severely damaged. Post a notice on a community bulletin board or at your local church. You might even find someone willing to collect items for you to save you time and effort.

4. Bring it to a recycling facility for electronics. The safest course of action is to drop it off, mail it in, or arrange for a recycling company to collect it if you are unable to find a new home for your old television. You must be careful to only deal with R2v3-certified companies, as these old tubes require special handling to ensure their safety and respect for the environment.

Electronic recycling R2v3-certified companies, like TechWaste Recycling, manage your e-waste disposal. Call us to schedule a pickup in the locations we serve.