About Santa Paula, California
The City of Santa Paula, also referred to as the Citrus Capital of the World, is located 65 miles northwest of Los Angeles and 14 miles east of Ventura and the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. Santa Paula is the geographical center of Ventura County, situated in the rich agricultural Santa Clara River Valley. The City was one of the early centers of California’s petroleum industry. The Union Oil Company Building, the founding headquarters of the Union Oil Company of California in 1890, now houses the California Oil Museum. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population of the city was 29,321.
In the early 1900’s, Santa Paula was considered the pre-Hollywood film capital, the “Queen of the Silver Screen.” Even up to this day, the City is noted for its movie personalities (silent and sound) who resided in and adjacent to the city and a TV or movie crew is not an unusual sight in the community.
Incorporated on April 22, 1902, Santa Paula is a major distribution point for citrus fruits in the United States and is also noted for avocado producing and processing. The community has a quaint, small town image, ideal climate and reasonably priced housing, which is why the citizens refer to their community as “Hometown USA.”
Due to the city’s beautiful weather which is called the best in Ventura County, Santa Paula is the perfect backdrop for its cultural festivals, the Santa Paula Art and Photography Show in February, the Citrus Festival in July, and the Ghost Walk in October. The Santa Paula experience includes the Santa Paula Murals, a scenic Main Street, the vintage Santa Paula Airport, the historic California Oil Museum, famed Glen Tavern Inn, the Santa Paula Train Depot and Railroad Plaza Park, the oldest original train depot left in the County of Ventura and much more. Santa Paula also boasts the largest number of historic residential and commercial buildings in Ventura County.
Services we offer in Santa Paula :
E Waste Recycling
Secure Data Destruction
Destruction of Products
Kits for Recycling
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