A computer server is an appliance that enables the storage of data and the connection of different devices to a single network. Typically, residential internet users connect to a remote server, whereas businesses typically have one or more on-site. As with all electronic devices, servers eventually become obsolete and must be replaced. However, you cannot simply dispose of an old server in the garbage or single-stream recycling. Electronics such as servers contain chemicals that are hazardous to humans and the environment, necessitating a specialized recycling procedure. In addition, your server may contain sensitive data that a hacker could access and use against you, your employees, or your customers. A plan for managing electronic waste makes it simple to avoid this by facilitating the recycling of hard drives.

How Does Recycling Hard Drives Benefit The Environment?

Servers and other electronic devices contain toxic substances. These are safely contained and pose no threat while the device is operational. Toxic chemicals may leak, however, if the waste is disposed of in a landfill without special handling. They may contaminate the groundwater in the vicinity of the landfill. The environmental and public health and safety consequences could be substantial.

Copper and iron are contained within servers. Although relatively safe compared to other materials used in the manufacture of electronics, these could still contaminate the groundwater. Among the more toxic substances found in servers are the following.

  • Mercury
  • Beryllium
  • Lead
  • Brominated flame retardant
  • Hexavalent chromium
  • Cadmium

The United States generates 11.7 million tons of electronic waste annually, more than any other nation. Recycling hard drives prevents hazardous electronic waste from entering the environment via landfills. Despite laws mandating the proper disposal of electronics, only 12.5% of e-waste is typically recycled.

How Does Server Recycling Prevent Data Breaches?

Recycling your old server not only benefits the environment but also protects you from data breaches. Frequently, hard drives contain sensitive data. You may have stored on your server confidential business information, payroll information pertaining to employees, or credit card data pertaining to customers, including Social Security numbers if you operate a business. The information on it could be accessible to the person who purchases it or to anyone who happens to find it if you dispose of your obsolete server by selling it or discarding it. It is essential to ensure data destruction to prevent data breaches of this nature as part of the disposal process.

How Does The Recycling Process Work?

These are the 5 steps required to recycle your server.

  1. Choosing an electronic recycling R2-certified company. Inform them which electronic assets will be collected. Let them know the objectives and security requirements of your electronics recycling project. 
  2. Scheduling a pickup appointment and waiting for an electric bill of lading with the list of the electronic assets to be picked up.
  3. Verifying, handling, and transporting all your electronic assets in a secure and reliable manner by the R2-certified recycling facility’s professional team.
  4. Recording the processing, receipt, weighing, and sorting of electronic assets against the original bill of lading.
  5. Issuing a Certificate of Recycling to ensure the secure, safe, and proper recycling of electronic assets.

Secure Data Destruction in the Media Industry

The majority of items are disassembled into their constituent parts for sorting purposes. Some of the materials are reusable or can be refurbished. Others can be reintroduced into the material stream after being used to create new products. After sorting the materials, we ship them to another facility for further processing.

Your responsibility ends once you arrange for your materials to be picked up by a recycling facility. They will take care of everything after that to ensure that your data is securely destroyed and the components are returned to the material stream.

TechWaste Recycling is an electronic recycling R2-certified company that manages your e-waste disposal. Learn about our process for responsible and sustainable recycling of electronic waste. Call us to schedule a pickup, and see the areas we serve.