A Single Data Breach Can Bankrupt Even the Largest Insurance Company | TechWaste Recycling

Technology is an integral part of any business. Obtaining the latest technology is often easier than ridding yourself of the old. Old computers, cell phones, and tablets cannot be discarded in a landfill. Recycling the e-waste does more than keep electronics from corroding in landfills. There are several benefits to your business to recycling your e-waste.

Positive Brand Image

While the brand image may seem an odd benefit, many consumers are committing to buying products and services from environmentally friendly companies. Recycling e-waste helps your business be more green. That can then improve your brand name in the minds of consumers and other business owners.

Environmentally Friendly

Recycling doesn’t just keep e-waste out of landfills. Many of the pieces of technology can be recycled and become new products. Nasty chemicals such as lead and mercury stay out of drinking water sources. Metals such as copper and gold can be used over again to create new technology pieces such as computer chips. 

The Damage You Do When You Don’t Recycle Your Old Computers

Protect Your Data

Lessen worries about data leakage by completely erasing any programmed devices prior to recycling. Restoring devices to their factory settings often clears out any added data including added applications. IT personnel should be able to handle the removal of sensitive information from hard drives and flash drives prior to recycling. Put in place a plan to handle data removal prior to recycling.  

Lower Business Costs

Many states and municipalities tax businesses on their inventory on an annual basis. By recycling your no longer needed or functioning tech waste, your business saves money come tax time. Your inventory is lower translating to lower taxes. In addition, recycling may be a cheaper option than traditional waste removal. Some recycling programs may even be free.

Less Office Clutter

Removing technology that is no longer needed or functioning makes room for new technology. A new phone system can improve the ability of employees to communicate with each other and customers. New computers run faster, hold more memory and handle more powerful applications. Less space taken up by worn-out technology saves your staff time getting work done. Their desks have less clutter, so they can work more efficiently.

When you are ready to recycle your e-waste, consider TechWaste Recycling. We want to partner with you to protect the environment. Our streamlined process handles recycling for a variety of technology from cell phones to phone systems to laptops. E-waste recycling comes with so many benefits to your business, it’s definitely worth checking out.

TechWaste Recycling directly services all of Southern California and provides pickup services to its facilities from nationwide locations. Schedule a pickup that works for your convenience and schedule.

Contact Info:
Richard Steffens
1940 E. Occidental street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: 866-637-8469