Landfill Site

A landfill site is a disposal ground of waste that has not been reused or recycled. Landfill sites are the oldest and most used method of waste disposal. Some landfill sites are utilized for waste management activities such transient storage, consolidation, and transportation as well as for various stages of waste material processing like sorting, treatment, and recycling.

What is the Purpose of a Landfill Site?

Landfill sites are crucial for infrastructural necessities by handling the leftover waste generated by homes and businesses. With present consumer habits and population growth, this waste is predicted to increase. (Xanax) Even with higher recycling rates, leftover garbage, or anything that cannot be recycled, still needs to be managed in a safe and efficient manner.

What are the Practices in Landfill Sites in Different Regions?

Canadian landfill sites are covered by provincial environmental agencies and environmental protection laws. Older landfill sites are monitored for leaching and some have been turned into parkland. In the European Union, landfill sites are mandated by the European Landfill Directive and households are restricted from disposing trash to landfill sites. U.K. placed landfill tax on biodegradable waste thrown into landfill sites. U.S. landfill sites are controlled by every state’s environmental agency and none of these should fall short of the standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In India however, landfill sites are the primary method of waste disposal with Deonar, Mumbai ranking as Asia’s largest landfill site.

Are Landfill Sites Dangerous?

Landfill sites are primary causes of pollution, and they are linked to a number of detrimental problems. In landfill sites, trash decomposes very slowly and poses a problem for future generations.

The significant disadvantages of landfill sites are:

  • Production of greenhouse gasses such as methane and CO2 that contribute to global warming
  • Development of toxic substances which end up in the earth’s soil and groundwater
  • Risk for fire because of highly combustible gasses like methane
  • Prolonged decomposition of waste due to the minute presence of oxygen underground
  • Added expense for taxpayers

How to Lessen the Harmful Effects of Landfill Sites?

Adopting a zero waste lifestyle through the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle is an effective and highly responsible way to minimize the harmful effects of landfill sites. This involves using the least amount of plastic and replacing them with sustainable and reusable materials. This will effectively send fewer wastes that have not been recycled or reused to landfill sites. Send your electronic wastes to TechWaste Recycling to prevent them from ending up in landfill sites.

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