TechWaste Recycling is a progressive electronic waste and recycling company that helps businesses and organizations incorporate and maintain various electronic waste management strategies. Its Mission is providing electronic waste and recycling services with focus on environmental sustainability and effective reuse methods to minimize the amount of electronic waste being accumulated in landfills.
TechWaste Recycling has implemented domestic and international environmental, health and safety requirements to the company’s management system.
TechWaste Recycling strives to make continual improvement to its environmental, health and safety management system (EH&S), and has committed to the following Environmental, Health and Safety principles:
- Comply with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which TechWaste Recycling subscribes that relate to its EH&S, including the prohibition of exporting hazardous electronic wastes according to the laws of the importing and exporting countries.
- Take adequate care to ensure that activities cause no adverse environmental Impact and are safe for employees and others who encounter with its workplace.
- Work with its suppliers to establish the highest environmental, quality, health and safety standards, including the diligent management of customer’s data security and privacy requirements.
- Prevent of pollution, Injury and ill health.
- Ensure Responsibility for all hazardous e-Waste both onsite and throughout the recycling chain.
- Manage used and end-of-life electronics equipment based on a “reuse, refurbish, recover, dispose” hierarchy, Including both on site and throughout the Recycling Chain.
TechWaste Recycling Annual Objectives (2017) within the framework of this policy are:
- Improve workplace by increasing the frequency of annual training to twice
- 10% increase E-waste tonnage annually
- Zero data breach incident
The TechWaste Recycling management will annually review the performance of the EH&SMS, objectives and polic
This policy is periodically communicated to employees and other interested parties.
Richie Steffens
CEO, TechWaste Recycling
PL-420-C EH&S Policy Effective Date: 01-16