Fairbridge Square is a Santa Ana, California neighborhood. Fairbridge Square is located in Orange County and is one of the most desirable neighborhoods in the state. The median home price in the United States is $931,922, while the median rent is $1,648. Inhabitants of Fairbridge Square enjoy a dense urban vibe, and the majority of residents rent their houses. There are numerous parks, restaurants, and coffee shops at Fairbridge Square. Fairbridge Square is densely populated with families, and its occupants are generally liberal.
Know more about Santa Ana, CA.
Fairbridge Square is home to 1,487 residents. The median age in Fairbridge Square is 31 years, and 74% of houses are rented. The typical income for a household is $68,482, while the median income for an individual is $36,082.
The Area’s Best Schools
It’s unsurprising that areas with highly ranked public schools likely have significantly higher housing values due to the community’s constant demand. If you have kids, it’s a great idea to research surrounding schools and their ratings. The neighborhood has three public elementary schools with a C or higher rating. The area has two public middle schools with a grade of C or above. The district has four public high schools with a grade of C or above. Picking a neighborhood with a consistent high school ranking is critical. While the community you’re considering now may offer excellent primary schools for your small children, it’s definitely worth investigating the middle and high schools they’ll attend as they get older. (Source: zerodown.com)
Fairbridge Square in Santa Ana has a walkability rating of 47, a bike ability rating of 62, and a transit accessibility rating of 28. The majority of errands need the use of a vehicle.
John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport is the closest airport. I-5, CA-22, and CA-57 are the closest freeways to Fairbridge Square in Santa Ana.
According to niche.com, Fairbridge Square was ranked 1st out of 60 for Best Neighborhoods to Live in Santa Ana, 2nd out of 60 for Best Neighborhoods to Raise a Family in Santa Ana, and 1st out of 60 for Best Neighborhoods for Young Professionals in Santa Ana. Thousands of communities are ranked by Niche based on crucial census data and expert opinions. (Source: niche.com)
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TechWaste Recycling Inc. is nearby.
Fairbridge Square
Get on CA-22 E from Fairhaven Ave
3 min (0.8 mi)
Take CA-55 S/State Rte 55 S to E Edinger Ave. Take exit 9 from CA-55 S/State Rte 55 S
5 min (4.5 mi)
Continue on E Edinger Ave. Drive to E Occidental St – TechWaste Recycling Inc. 3 min (0.6 mi)