hard drive data destruction

Tech Recycling for the Medical Community

By |2020-09-10T06:16:37+00:00December 22nd, 2019|

Hospitals produce an estimated two million tons of waste every day. The bulk of that waste is composed of things like staples, broken glass, lancets and needles, but tech waste makes its way into the pile as well. All medical communities have procedures in place to safely get rid of hazardous waste, but they don’t all have procedures for getting rid of old tech. As a result, many electronic items simply get thrown away when they reach the end of their useful life.

Have Your Municipality Lead the Way With E-Waste Recycling

By |2020-09-10T06:15:56+00:00December 15th, 2019|

Electronics are everywhere in modern society. We use computers for just about everything and even carry them in our pockets. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of waste as devices reach obsolescence sooner than every before. Proper disposal is essential to avoid harmful environmental impacts. For municipalities, this should be an especially high priority.

Benefits of IT Asset and Electronic Recycling for Construction Companies

By |2020-09-10T06:15:01+00:00December 12th, 2019|

Computers and electronics play central roles in almost every industry. In the construction industry, IT resources play as significant a role as in any other field. Sometimes assets are used on sites but not needed afterward. Additionally, it is common for IT resources to contain important plans and potentially sensitive information. Proper e-waste recycling is important for construction businesses.

A Guide To Recycling Tech Waste for Eye Doctors

By |2020-09-10T06:11:50+00:00December 6th, 2019|

As an eye doctor, you work with a variety of technologies on a daily basis. From basic computers to advanced imaging technologies, you count on your equipment to be accurate and in good working order. When a piece of equipment breaks down and no longer works properly, you replace it with a new piece of equipment as soon as you can.

The Damage You Do When You Don’t Recycle Your Old Computers

By |2020-09-10T06:06:31+00:00November 29th, 2019|

In the modern world computers are an ever-present part of our daily lives. Many workers spend their day behind a desk working on a computer only to head home at closing time to spend their evening enjoying their home computer to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, computers are also one of the worst products for environmental pollution when they are not properly disposed of. If your company is preparing to dispose of computers, either because they no longer work or you have upgraded to newer models and don't need your older options anymore, then you should be sure to send your computers to be professionally recycled by a qualified e-Waste recycling plant. When you simply throw your computers in the trash you are contributing to several harmful trends.

Why Your Company Needs to Destroy Old Technology

By |2020-09-10T06:03:58+00:00November 26th, 2019|

No matter how well taken care of your electronic gadgets are, eventually the day will come when you need to replace your old technology and move on to the next big thing. With modern devices seemingly designed to grow outdated more and more quickly, getting rid of old devices has become an increasingly important part of any company. Unfortunately, if all you’ve done is deleted the files on your phone or performed a factory reset, your priceless and private information is potentially at risk. Don’t let your information get intercepted by people with bad intentions.

Top Benefits to Recycle Your Business’ E-Waste

By |2019-11-24T00:00:00+00:00November 24th, 2019|

Technology is an integral part of any business. Obtaining the latest technology is often easier than ridding yourself of the old. Old computers, cell phones and tablets cannot be discarded in the landfill. Recycling the e-waste does more than keep electronics from corroding in landfills. There are several benefits to your business to recycle your e-waste.

Protect Your Data When Recycling E-Waste with Level 1 Data Destruction

By |2020-09-10T05:51:59+00:00November 10th, 2019|

Businesses store data on a variety of technological devices including computers, flash drives, cell phones and tablets. Eventually those devices wear out, become obsolete and clutter the office. Recycling tech waste offers a beneficial solution to both the business and the environment. But how do you protect that [...]

Keeping Data Safe When Decommissioning IT Assets

By |2019-10-31T21:10:17+00:00October 30th, 2019|

Data security doesn’t stop when devices are replaced, though; the data on end-of-life assets can be accessed by anyone who gets their hands on them, whether in the landfill or in a second-hand store. Turning to an electronics recycling company for disposal of deprecated assets provides insurance that this data won’t be abused.

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