The Difference Between “Reusing” and “Recycling”
You may or may not know that the terms “reuse” and “recycle”, although part of the umbrella process of general recycling, are actually two different functions. Reusable items are products which still have a function even after the owner wishes to discard it. Take for example, cutlery. If you throw a fork away (assuming that it isn’t a disposable, plastic one), someone else could potentially still use it. Additionally, reusable items do not have to be confined to their original purpose. One could use it for something else, in the way that an old T-shirt could become a rag for cleaning purposes. “Recycling”, on the other hand, is the process where an item or the materials that the item is made up of is used to make something entirely new. Examples of this procedure can be found in wallets, made solely from scrapped candy wrappers, or pencils made from old newspaper.
Why Recycling is Important
Today, with the growing population of the world and the shrinking space for landfills, it is necessary to efficiently reduce waste for the sake of the environment and future generations. Many products being discarded and trucked over to waste landfills have toxic components in them, therefore poisoning the earth, atmosphere, and leading to health risks for those living in close proximity to it. Furthermore, waste is economically detrimental, and money and commodities which could be passed on to those in need may be deprived when people are too hasty to throw something out forever. Not to mention, recycling eWaste provides job opportunities for those in financial need. These two things added together prove how recycling encourages economic equality in addition to its energy saving factors.
Recycling Appliances and Large-scale Equipment
1. Recycle Company Pick-Up
More than half of collected technology thrown out as waste can actually be recycled. These items have important materials such as steel, copper, and even gold and silver which can be used again to produce new items. However, it is important that these obsolete electrical gadgets are in the hands of professional recycling companies so that potentially-toxic constituents can be first removed and discarded safely. To do this, look for TechWaste Recycling locations in your area and arrange for a pick-up.
2. Donation
You can also donate items which are no longer of need to you but still operational to charities or even certain construction companies for reuse. An added bonus is that donations are tax deductible, so make sure to keep track of your philanthropy.
3. Community Recycle Drives
Some towns and cities will occasionally run drives in which people can donate old electrical equipment such as computers, phones, printers, etc. At these events, there are sometimes even gatherings where people can trade, donate, and come up with innovative uses for the items at hand.
There are countless of recyclable options for equipment being scrapped. Whether you are in individual, a small business entrepreneur, or a representative of a large corporation, remember that the next time you have a broken copier, scanner, or forklift, think of how you can benefit the world and future generations by committing to recycle. Whenever you need any services related to recycling or reuse “Tech Waste Recycling” is THE choice for Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and New York.