Data security is now more important than ever before. Criminals are always looking for opportunities to get and misuse sensitive information. TechWaste recycling can prevent that.
Data Security is the providing of security to protect a database from users that would destroy or access it without authorization. It requires that the information be kept safe and proper protocols for its use be established and followed. People’s sensitive personal information is under attack from many angles. Ensuring the privacy of that information necessitates companies involved in the recycling or secure data destruction of documents containing personal information, to create innovative protective systems and continue to upgrade them regularly.
Best Practices
TechWaste Recycling (TWR) is an industry leader in the secure handling and destruction of data. They offer on-site and off-site hard drive destruction services including hard drive crushing degaussing and shredding. TechWaste Recycling also handles hard drive recycling. This saves money and energy and protects the environment. TWR also provides their clients with the highest quality tech waste destruction and recycling services. They employ systems like hard drive erasure methods that are DOD-compliant and allow their client to reuse the hard drives without compromising the information that was formerly stored on it.
The Dangers
Identity theft and the misuse of people’s sensitive personal and business information is a growing problem. Unscrupulous people attempt to gain access to social security numbers, bank account information, financial records, medical records and even something as seemingly innocuous as people names, telephone numbers and addresses and use them for personal gain. They can also wreak havoc in people’s lives by releasing sensitive information to other criminals and even to the general public. These are serious issues that can take many years of work and lots of money and stress to correct.
The Solution
The solution is simple. Contact TechWaste Recycling and let the handle all of your needs for data destruction and recycling. The world is rapidly changing and sadly one of the things that have come under constant attack in recent years is people’s privacy. This has made data security one of the highest priorities for businesses and private citizens. TechWaste Recycling offers their clients safe, secure data destruction through their fully auditable security framework. Hard drives which cannot be wiped clean are physically shredded. All processes are in full compliance with internationally recognized data privacy regulations.
TechWaste Recycling uses their state of the art facilities to degauss, erase or liquidate computers. This is supported by the proper documentation of the destruction, erasure and recycling processing. This includes asset tag removal, chain of custody documentation, reporting serial numbers, and secure real time asset tracking. These processes ensure all data is properly and securely protected until they’re destroyed.